Thursday, April 17, 2008

Mati semut kerna Mac

Every time I use my Macbook, I saw ants , crawling between the keypads. I thought they were there because of my bad habit of eating snacks while surfing, chatting away, and especially when watching my favourite Korean Drama in Mysoju.

Little that I know that the ants were actually attracted to the thermal compound inside the unit! Read here.

Semut alaf baru! Speaking about semut, have you ever noticed that you can find dead ants in your drinking water container? Or the electric kettle? And not in your half-opened sugar jar? How do you explain that? Health conscious ant?

During my youthful days, (sekarang dah tak berapa nak youth sangat) hehe..., I love to find the ant's nest. Remember how ants work their way back to their nest, carrying the crumbs, or parts of other insects, walk in a row, one by one ,to and fro to the nest and to the source of food? I used to follow their trail, until I found their nest, under the lantai getah, into the small opening or cracks on the wall, and sometimes under your lipatan kain baju.

Then, I will become the ant bully. I will first spray water into the nest, (using ridsect will only kill them faster, not much fun), and they will run for their dear lives, some of them drifted, they're not dead of course..And I just let them find their new home, for me to raksasa-gorgonkan later. By then, I can hear my Mom scream, "Habis basah!!" followed by cubitan cubitan semut.. Hehehe..

Sometimes, I even love to interrupt their trail. It's really cute to see them find their trail again. Normally, I would put my fingers between their path, and wipe the trail. The ants will become terpinga-pinga and meraba-raba...
Imagine yach, the ants , one by one, will become off trailed, meraba-raba kesana-sini..ngehehehe.. So seronok... But, amazingly, they will eventually find their way back to the nest, creating a new trail.

La, off trail pulak dari cerita Mac tadi. What to do ah, if ants make my Mac their house, jahanam kang Mac aku. So, anyone has an anti-ant software?

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