Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Lagi kisah Cik Mira..

Kids needed to be reminded so many times before they can actually take the advice and turn it into a good habit. Macam Cik Mira, she has this habit of leaving the towel on the floor after shower. And I have told her off like a zillion times already.

On this particular day, I saw Cik Mira’s towel on the floor again, and began my usual typical lecture of “how you’re not supposed to leave your towel on the floor”, “how many times have I told you “, “who will pick it up afterwards” , the usual mommy tirades go on and on. And then I saw Cik Mira’s expression. No expression of guilt, fear , sad or anything that normally associated to the expression of being scolded. On the contrary, she seemed amused. I swear I can see a tiny little smile at the corner of her lips.

I was surprised and worried. Is she okay? Is she being rebellious? Am I not intimidating and garang enough? Or worse, she's finally immune to my scoldings and lectures??

Then, suddenly it hit me. Crap! I was wearing that stupid flickering bunny ears bought at I-City on my head. I was cleaning up the room when Cik Mira started to shower. Saw the bunny ear, switched on the flickering light on the ears, put it on and continue tidying.

Obviously, she must have seen me as a cute , playful little bunny shouting and ranting at her.Ceh.. I hope she won’t still imagine me as the playful bunny the next time she get scolded.

Bengong punya bunny ears..
Signing off ,

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kuehbangkit said...

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